FREE On A Chinese Screen by W. Somerset Maugham tablet access book sale value

FREE On A Chinese Screen by W. Somerset Maugham tablet access book sale value

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Book description
Produced by Dianna Adair, zsak and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive)FORSYRIE Description: Maugham spent the winter months of 1919-20 travelling 1500 miles up the Yangtze River. Always more interested in people than places, he gave full rein to a sensitive and philosophical nature. On a Chinese Screen is the refined accumulation of the countless scraps of paper on which he had taken notes. Within the narrow confines of their colonial milieu, missionaries, consuls, army officers and company managers are all gently ridiculed as they persist obliviously with the life they know. THE RISING OF THE CURTAIN: You come to the row of hovels that leads to the gate of the city. They are built of dried mud and so dilapidated that you feel a breath of wind will lay them flat upon the dusty earth from which they have been made. A string of camels, heavily laden, steps warily past you. They wear the disdainful air of profiteers forced to traverse a world in which many people are not so rich as they. A little crowd, tattered in their blue clothes, is gathered about the gate and it scatters as a youth in a pointed cap gallops up on a Mongolian pony. A band of children are chasing a lame dog and they throw clods of mud at it. Two stout gentlemen in long black gowns of figured silk and silk jackets stand talking to one another. Each holds a little stick, perched on which, with a string attached to its leg, is a little bird. They have brought out their pets for an airing and in friendly fashion compare their merits. Now and then the birds give a flutter into the air, the length of the string, and return quickly to their perch. The two Chinese gentlemen, smiling, look at them with soft eyes. Rude boys cry out at the foreigner in a shrill and scornful voice. The city wall, crumbling, old and crenellated, looks like the city wall in an old picture of some Palestinish town of the Crusaders. Luscious snippets, a peek into humanity here, a stifled laugh at the ex-pat there. The most ludicrous is pot-pourri # II: My Ladys Palour. Travel doesnt seem to broaden some peoples minds does it! Interesting snapshots but unfulfilling as a read, probably for WSM completists.2* On a Chinese Screen5* Of Human Bondage4* The Razors Edge4* The Painted Veil3* Cakes and AleWL Up At the Villa4* Collected Stories3* Tha Magician3* AshendenOH Rain and other stories3* The Narrow Corner3* Mrs CraddockTR The Merry-Go Round2* The Circle4* The Moon and Sixpence
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