FREE Off Target by Molly Taggart fb2 ibooks

FREE Off Target by Molly Taggart fb2 ibooks

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Book description
Sophie Mitchell may be the top marksman on her high school rifle team, but she has bad aim when it comes to boys. Her best friend Cory tells her that she doesn’t have to date, but how else is she supposed to fit in? Even her own mother thinks she’s eccentric. What soon-to-be eighteen-year-old girl isn’t interested in romance? So Sophie devises a plan that will enable her to date even while she remains bullet-proofed from love. As Cory observes her amorous adventures from downrange, he worries that, these days, Cupid might be making armor-piercing bullets. Off Target is a story of love, family, and coming-of-age that will appeal to both mature and young adults. This paperback edition also includes the prequel to Off Target, The Caterers Husband, a bonus novella not included in the ebook version.
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