FREE Nanny 911 by Julie Miller (Goodreads Author) story fb2 value online iphone

FREE Nanny 911 by Julie Miller (Goodreads Author) story fb2 value online iphone

FREE Nanny 911 by Julie Miller (Goodreads Author) story fb2 value online iphone

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Book description
Hed Never Needed Anyones Help...Until NowSWAT team member Miranda Murdock cant bake, or get a three-year-old to eat. But she can shoot the wings off a fly. Which is why shes protecting millionaire Quinn Gallaghers daughter. But the little girl is soon tugging at Mirandas heartstrings. And Quinn is doing other things to her - exciting, forbidden, bedroom things - making her job riskier each day...Quinn is determined to find the killer threatening his daughters life. Despite the danger, he wants Miranda with shocking intensity. The elite cop is a puzzle he cant figure out, and desire between them builds with each heartbeat. Yet with New Years Eve and the killers deadline approaching, even a single kiss could spell disaster....
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