FREE Mopus by OisГ­n Curran find pc online reading story

FREE Mopus by OisГ­n Curran find pc online reading story

FREE Mopus by OisГ­n Curran find pc online reading story

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Book description
Fiction. An astounding debut novel, written with courage, innovation, wisdom, style. Oisin Curran leads us onto a topology of narrative surfaces that appear and disappear seamlessly: subway terrorists in an urban density, a bucolic meadow and stream, postapocalyptic devastation, a ninth century abbey, forty-fifth century conspiracies. The narrative here allows one to enter the creative guts of storytelling, to experience it as a living force. Curran is like Beckett, Woolf, Joyce, Barnes, Bernhard, Celine, Faulkner, in whose work powerful prose excavates the ground of narrative itself, and exposes the sources and necessity of storytelling.
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