FREE Mirrored by Alex Flinn (Goodreads Author) flibusta italian online original selling

FREE Mirrored by Alex Flinn (Goodreads Author) flibusta italian online original selling

FREE Mirrored by Alex Flinn (Goodreads Author) flibusta italian online original selling

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Book description
Mirror, mirror in my hand…Beauty is the key to everything. At least, that’s how it seems to Violet—ugly, bullied, and lonely. To be beautiful, in her eyes, is to have power and love. And when Kendra, the witch, teaches Violet how to use magic, she may finally get what she wants.For Celine, beautiful since birth, her looks have been a hindrance. She discovers that beauty is also a threat—especially to her stepmother, Violet, who doesn’t want anyone sharing the attention she worked so hard to get and who will do anything to be the fairest of them all.But beauty isn’t only skin deep and love isn’t based on looks alone. And though Violet and Celine may seem to be completely opposite, their lives are almost… mirrored.
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