FREE Man Made: A Stupid Quest for Masculinity by Joel Stein shop read access flibusta information

FREE Man Made: A Stupid Quest for Masculinity by Joel Stein shop read access flibusta information

FREE Man Made: A Stupid Quest for Masculinity by Joel Stein shop read access flibusta information

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Book description
The smudge looked suspiciously penis- like. The doctor confirmed: Thats the babys penis! which caused not celebration, but panic. Joel pictured having to go camping and fix a car and use a hammer and throw a football and watch professionals throw footballs and figure out whether to be sad or happy about the results of said football throwing. So begins his quest to confront his effete nature whether he likes it or not (he doesnt), by doing a twenty-four-hour shift with L.A. firefighters, going hunting, rebuilding a house, driving a Lamborghini, enduring three days of boot camp with the U.S. Army, day-trading with $100,000, and going into the ring with UFC Hall of Famer Randy Couture. Seeking help from a panel of experts, including his manly father-in-law, Boy Scouts, former NFL star Warren Sapp, former MLB All-Star Shawn Green, Adam Carolla, and a pit bull named Hercules, he expects to learn that masculinity is defined not by the size of his muscles, but by the size of his heart (also, technically, a muscle). This is not at all what he learns.
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