FREE Lust After Death by Daisy Harris (Goodreads Author) ebook value german book pc

FREE Lust After Death by Daisy Harris (Goodreads Author) ebook value german book pc

FREE Lust After Death by Daisy Harris (Goodreads Author) ebook value german book pc

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Book description
In the Pacific Northwest, where life hurries to keep pace with technology, a re-animated bride named Josie struggles to escape her creator and to find her identity in the half-erased circuitry of her mind and body. Assassin Bane Connor just wants to get the girl to the Zombie Underground and receive his payoff-a mental reset that will erase his memories as well as his guilt. But an attack by a rival faction derails his rescue, and the wide-eyed female whose circuitry requires a husband tears at his hardened heart and ignites desire like hes never known. Acting as Josies spouse-substitute is tougher than Bane expected. The newborn stein needs touch to live, and wanting her is a complication he doesnt need. To make matters worse, she sees into the darkest recesses of his mind. The last thing a killer wants is for his lover to read his thoughts, but if Josie can love him the way hes programmed, perhaps Bane can find a way to heal his past.
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