FREE Lumina (Misadventures of a Wanton Hussy) by Georgia Fox book djvu fb2 free buy

FREE Lumina (Misadventures of a Wanton Hussy) by Georgia Fox book djvu fb2 free buy

FREE Lumina (Misadventures of a Wanton Hussy) by Georgia Fox book djvu fb2 free buy

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Book description
Isabelle is about to have her virginity auctioned off to the highest bidder. Only stern, sensible Salvatore, her cruel aunt’s solicitor, can rescue her. While he’s been her tutor, she’s fallen deeply in love. But Salvatore has dark secrets that keep him from temptation. Their futures seem destined to be apart. Her pride wounded by his rejection, and trust broken by a shocking discovery, Isabelle tries to forget him. Determined never to endanger her heart again, she finds another man to satisfy her sexual needs. Until a surprise inheritance brings her back to Salvatore.Now named “Lumina”, she wants two things from him – the cock he once denied her. And vengeance. Salvatore, now a free man, has other ideas. He bitterly regretted losing her before and he’ll do anything to keep her this time, even sharing her with other lovers.Until she’s ready to commit herself solely to him.
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