FREE Letting Go by A.L. Wood (Goodreads Author) phone ios wiki selling online

FREE Letting Go by A.L. Wood (Goodreads Author) phone ios wiki selling online

FREE Letting Go by A.L. Wood (Goodreads Author) phone ios wiki selling online

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Book description
Loved it! This is Zepps story. He is the last member of the band to find love and I really liked how the story unfolded. I do admit it was a bit on the short side but the story had a very nice flow and I didnt feel like it was rushed. I know that some people will have issues with how the story ended but I really liked how the author decided to finish the story. Do I want more? Yes, of course I do, but not because I was left unsatisfied, but because I was really invested in this series and I really fell in love with all the band members. I would love to see them again, maybe a bit into the future, to see how their lives have changed and to see if some have married or have kids or anything the author decides to do with them. Zepp and Rads story was not a fast one but the author leaves you with the knowledge that there is a HEA.There was a very steamy sex scene, definitely for mature audiences. If you have read the first 5 books in the series I will definitely recommend reading this one because you dont want to miss the end.
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