FREE Krazy and Ignatz: The Kat Who Walked in Beauty by George Herriman touch page link read via

FREE Krazy and Ignatz: The Kat Who Walked in Beauty by George Herriman touch page link read via

FREE Krazy and Ignatz: The Kat Who Walked in Beauty by George Herriman touch page link read via

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Book description
Welcome to Coconino County, a wild desert town with a highly diverse group of citizens. The main players consist of a slightly perverse ménage à trois with three unlikely consorts. Krazy Kat - a masochistic kat of indeterminate gender (addressed amusingly in a strip in this collection) who loves nothing more than to be walloped by a brick thrown by the much beloved lil ainjil Ignatz mouse. Ignatz is a sadistic little mouse who as I learned from this collection has a historically-based vendetta to bean this kat on a regular basis for all cat-kinds past indiscretions. But secretly we all know that Ignatz clearly loves Krazy. And interestingly, Ignatz has a wife in some of these earlier strips (which I dont recall in the later strips though its been a long time since I read them...) and she is none too pleased with the attention and time that Ignatz takes in acquiring bricks and preparing scenarios where he can best zip the Kat. And then theres Offisa Pup who plays less a part in these earlier strips but who is already seeking ways to breach his powers to prevent the mouse from beaning his beloved Krazy. So this is the vicious circle and it gave Herriman about 30 years of amazing strip-writing material.This particular book is predominantly a collection of oversize panoramic daily strips done over a nine month period in 1920 and Fantagraphics has done a nice job in reproducing the art at its original size in a luscious oversize book that would look good on anybodys coffee table. Also included are several strips from the teens that show the early development of the characters. And to top it off, the book includes the original program guide to an interpretive ballet based on the strip from 1922 - Id love to see a revival of that!Theres definitely a touch of borscht-belt humor here and Krazy and Ignatz frequently remind me of Burns and Allen with Ignatz playing straight man to Krazys innocent, ridiculous truths. Krazy speaks in an odd patois that often requires one to read it out loud to understand but once you do, you cant help but to also laugh out loud.Herrimans artwork is a pure delight. Continuity is of no interest to him. The backgrounds will change dramatically from frame to frame. And his desert landscapes are beautiful, eerie, surreal, graphic and entrancing even in these early black and white strips.There are other collections that may be a better introduction to the strip for neophytes (though this one certainly wouldnt be a bad intro) but for anyone who already loves Krazy and his/her loves, this is a must-have!
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