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> READ BOOK > Complete Home Bartenders Guide: 780 Recipes for the Perfect Drink

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Book description
Expect this book to soar to the top of the bestseller list in its field with the most complete coverage of the subject anywhere, from the glass to use, the ice to mix to the garnish to finish it perfectly!Start with a world-renowned experts unequalled instructions for preparing virtually any cocktail anyone might ask for.Add the essential facts of bartending with a professionals master guidance for hosting any gathering in the perfect atmosphere.Pour in an encyclopedic collection of information about every drink, including brandy, gin, rum, tequila, and vodka; whiskey and bourbon; champagne and wine; bitters and other spirits; punches, cups, and eggnogs; liqueurs and shooters; hot drinks and nonalcoholic drinks.Mix with Calabreses recipes for 780 of his personal favorites, from old classics like Negroni, Bellini, and Sidecar, to new and exotic modern reinventions like Cosmopolitan and Apple Martini. And that leaves 775 more to choose from. Stir in hours of fascinating insider tales about how all the classic drinks came to be, the romance of the drink, and glorious photos and art of a sparkling visual history.Garnish with:. Live-action pictorials of techniques such as shaking, floating, layering, muddling, blending. Thirst-inciting color photos that display drinks at their most elegant. Easy-to remember icons symbolizing each type of glass to use in every situation. Concealed spiral binding that lays flat so you can follow recipes with your hands free. Hard-cover edition jam-packed with 256 information-filled pages at an amazing value priceIts the only bartenders guide youll ever need. Even the right ice cubes are noted!
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