FREE King Arthur & the Grail: The Arthurian Legends and Their Meaning by Richard Cavendish download via pc without registering bookstore

FREE King Arthur & the Grail: The Arthurian Legends and Their Meaning by Richard Cavendish download via pc without registering bookstore

FREE King Arthur & the Grail: The Arthurian Legends and Their Meaning by Richard Cavendish download via pc without registering

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Book description
Great read! This book goes beyond the legend of King Arthur. It goes into the truth of the legend of King Arthur. This book inspired me to go to England (which I havent done yet. :-( ) just to see the foundation of what was once, Camelot in a place called Glastonbury. Yes, they have found coins buried underground in a fallen castle they believe to be the orginal Camelot. They have discovered that there really was a court magician named Merlin, though he lived 500 years prior to Arthur but his magic was very powerful. They have found the coffins of who they believe were King Arthur and Guenivere. And though the original Arthur was not in the time of the legend, he is believed to have lived many years earlier. Arthur was not a king, according to this book, he was merely a warrior who won the battle between the Pics and the Scotts. It was legend who made him king, thus: no royal heritage, or was there? This book also explores, not only the truth but the real meanings behind the legend. The legend is riddled in metaphors and after reading this book, it brings the real enchantment into the imagination and intelligence of people who seek that meaning of life and have a strong passion for tales.This book is amazing.
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