FREE Keeping Watch by Jan Hambright read txt on iphone

FREE Keeping Watch by Jan Hambright read txt on iphone

FREE Keeping Watch by Jan Hambright read txt on iphone

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Book description
She was frightened to reveal some fatal secrets, but relying on one sexy detective seemed even more dangerous...In her dreams, police sketch artist Adelaide Charboneau is haunted by violent images of crime scenes - as they happen. Her extraordinary gift becomes a curse when a string of murders raises suspicion against her. Then the danger targets her and shes forced to depend on a practical-minded detective for protection.Royce Beckett has always relied on pure human instinct and skill to bring criminals to justice. And he knows firsthand that its not always enough. With Adelaide under his watch, he soon realizes that her abilities are just as genuine and powerful as the desire between them. But as much as he wants to give in, staying alive means staying alert...despite the gut-wrenching temptation.
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