FREE Just Like a Princess: 3-in-1 Storybook by Walt Disney Company torrent read offline audio text

FREE Just Like a Princess: 3-in-1 Storybook by Walt Disney Company torrent read offline audio text

FREE Just Like a Princess: 3-in-1 Storybook by Walt Disney Company torrent read offline audio text

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Book description
This book has three of Disneys most popular fairy tales in it. My personal favorite is Snow White. The story goes that the Queen is jealous of Snow White and her beauty after asking her magic mirror who is the fairest in the land. The Queen then sends a huntsman out into the woods with snow white to kill her. He cannot do it and tells Snow White to run away. She finds a tiny cottage where she cleans up and falls asleep. Seven dwarfs come home to discover Snow White asleep in their beds. They decide to let her stay. The next day they go off to work and warn Snow White to stay away from strangers. The queen finds out that Snow White is still alive. She poisons an apple and turns herself into an old lady so Snow White wont recognize her. She finds Snow White and convinces her to take a bite from the apple. The dwarfs come home in time to see this and chase away the Queen and she is never seen again. The dwarfs set Snow White up and begin to mourn her when a prince that Snow White had met once before shows up and kisses her. This breaks the spell and they live happily ever after.Personally, I think this is a good story, but it does send the wrong message to children. Its a little too outdated.
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