FREE Jerusalem Countdown, Revised and Updated: A Prelude To War by John Hagee ios access how download information online

FREE Jerusalem Countdown, Revised and Updated: A Prelude To War by John Hagee ios access how download information online

FREE Jerusalem Countdown, Revised and Updated: A Prelude To War by John Hagee ios access how download information online

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Book description
World War III Has Begun!This revision of Jerusalem Countdown, updated to address the recent conflict with Hezbollah, the roles of North Korea and Syria in the coming nuclear showdown, and the infiltration of Islamic terrorists on American soil. Enhancing the message of the original edition, which has sold more than 800,000 copies, John Hagee anticipates Israel’s strategies toward the Iranian threat and the resulting effect upon America. Hagee skillfully unveils the reasons radical Islam and Israel cannot dwell peaceably together as he paints a convincing picture explaining why Christians must support the State of Israel. About the AuthorJohn Hagee is the senior pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas. The nondenominational evangelical church now has more than 18,000 active members. Known best nationally for his End-Times writings, he has authored several fiction and nonfiction best sellers.
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