FREE Invasion Rabaul: The True Story of Lark Force at Rabaul - Australias Worst Military Disaster of World War II by Bruce Gamble (Goodreads Author) store free djvu information bookshop

FREE Invasion Rabaul: The True Story of Lark Force at Rabaul - Australias Worst Military Disaster of World War II by Bruce Gamble (Goodreads Author) store free djvu information bookshop

FREE Invasion Rabaul: The True Story of Lark Force at Rabaul - Australias Worst Military Disaster of World War II by Bruce Gamble

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Book description
The riveting first book in Bruce Gamble’s critically acclaimed Rabaul trilogy, which chronicles the longest battle of World War II. January 23, 1942, New Britain. It was 2:30 a.m., the darkest hour of the day and, for the tiny Australian garrison sent to defend this Southwest Pacific island, soon to be the darkest hour of the war. Lark Force, comprising 1,500 soldiers and six nurses, faced a vastly superior Japanese amphibious unit poised to overrun Rabaul, capital of Australia’s mandated territories. Invasion Rabaul, the first book in military historian Bruce Gamble’s critically acclaimed Rabaul trilogy, is a gut-wrenching account of courage and sacrifice, folly and disaster, as seen through the eyes of the defenders who survived the Japanese assault. Gamble’s gripping narrative follows key individuals—soldiers and junior officers, an American citizen and an Army nurse among them—who were driven into the jungle, prey to the unforgiving environment and a cruel enemy that massacred its prisoners. The dramatic stories of the Lark Force survivors, told here in full for the first time, are among the most inspiring of the Pacific War—and they lay a triumphant foundation for one of today’s most highly praised military nonfiction trilogies.
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