FREE In Search of Madness: Schizophrenia and Neuroscience by R. Walter Heinrichs how download read find full link

FREE In Search of Madness: Schizophrenia and Neuroscience by R. Walter Heinrichs how download read find full link

FREE In Search of Madness: Schizophrenia and Neuroscience by R. Walter Heinrichs how download read find full link

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Book description
This book evaluates the progress of schizophrenia science by summarizing what is known about how patients with the illness differ from healthy people. The tools of meta-analysis are first explained and then employed to make the strength and consistency of these differences explicit. Beginning with the study of symptoms, then moving through the search for objective disease markers, findings on the cognitive functions, structure, physiology, chemistry, and development of the brain, this book is a journey into the enigma of madness and its science. What emerges is an illness that reveals itself most strongly in thought processes, not biology. Schizophrenia is an anomaly at the frontier of mind and brain, but In Search of Madness points the way to its solution.
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