FREE How to Hug a Porcupine: Dealing With Toxic & Difficult to Love Personalities by John Lewis Lund windows without signing epub book view

FREE How to Hug a Porcupine: Dealing With Toxic & Difficult to Love Personalities by John Lewis Lund windows without signing epub book view

FREE How to Hug a Porcupine: Dealing With Toxic & Difficult to Love Personalities by John Lewis Lund windows without signing

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Book description
Since I love reading these kinds of books, I was intrigued from the title alone. I had also heard the author lecture and knew he was excellent. When I brought this book home, it caused a stir as several family members came to me secretly suspecting they were the one who made me buy it. I only smiled without saying who and reminded them that some extended family members could also be suspect. :-) This book is very insightful and helps shine a light on an often unspoken problem. That of living with people that drain you with an onslaught of negativity. His case stories and examples are clear and he addresses the unspoken question of when to call it quits with porcupines and what you can do if you stay. Since he is a Mormon author and Dr. it is good to know he understands the eternal perspective on marriage and family. His empathy, advise, and understanding is valuable. My favorite line of his is this; Some of you will either marry your biggest trial or give birth to it. And some of you most unfortunate ones will do both!
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