FREE Hot Sun, Cool Shadow: Savoring The Food, History, And Mystery Of The Languedoc by Angela Murrills ios original read iBooks find

FREE Hot Sun, Cool Shadow: Savoring The Food, History, And Mystery Of The Languedoc by Angela Murrills ios original read iBooks find

FREE Hot Sun, Cool Shadow: Savoring The Food, History, And Mystery Of The Languedoc by Angela Murrills ios original read iBooks

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Book description
The basic idea of this book is remarkably similar to John Burton Races French Leave. A couple of Canadians, she a food writer, he an artist, spend many holidays in the Languedoc, falling in love with it to the extent of eventually buying a house here. Of course much of their interest is in food, and each chapter ends with a couple of recipes. But the overall effect is quite different. Unlike with Burton-Race, I had the feeling that I would like these people if I met them. They seem to like doing a lot of the same things we do: markets, wandering around old ruins, eating in unpretentious restaurants, meeting the locals, the urge to find out more about the history and culture of the area. And of course, like us they fell in love with the area and its people, and bought a house here!Theyve been to lots of the same places we have: Marseillan (where Noilly Prat is made), the Cathar castles, Rennes le Château, Montolieu ... and Murrills introduces historical detail with a light touch, just enough to make the reader want to find out more. Its not a work of staggering genius or anything, but its a nice light read, and despite living here for 15 years I learned a few things -- I had no idea theres a village not that far from here dedicated to the manufacture of copper pans, for example. If you are a slow traveller visiting the region, interested in things other than the main tourist hotspots, this would be a great book to bring with you. I was pleased to find via a quick Google that Angela Murrills has a blog too. Now in my feed reader.
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