FREE Hit and Run (Blue Sox, Book 3) by Duane Decker free english txt how to store

FREE Hit and Run (Blue Sox, Book 3) by Duane Decker free english txt how to store

FREE Hit and Run (Blue Sox, Book 3) by Duane Decker free english txt how to store

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Book description
A lesson in anger managementChip Fiske was given the nickname Chip because he can hit a baseball where he wants to. He could also have acquired the name because he carries a pronounced chip on his shoulder. He is a small man and is quick to anger when he is reminded of that fact. The story begins with him trying to enter a minor league ballpark through the players entrance and being denied access. After punching the guard he enters and begins his climb to the major leagues. He eventually makes it with the Blue Sox, replacing long-time right fielder Augie Marshall. Marshall is a slugger, considered to be close to the second coming of Babe Ruth. Therefore, even though Marshall has slowed a great deal, he is still a fan favorite, and they take their wrath out on Fiske. He does not take it well and argues with his teammates and fights with the fans.Kenny Willard is another outcast member of the Blue Sox; he is the first black man to be placed on a big-league roster. Fiske and Willard become friends and Fiske teaches Willard how to play the outfield. When Fiske messes up again, Willard takes his place in the outfield and Fiske learns from the bench how difficult it really can be when Willard is subjected to ferocious racial insults. Willard rises above it and finally earns the respect of his teammates. Fiske then overcomes his own demons and becomes a big-league player.Decker is one of the best authors of juvenile fiction and this is one in a series of books he has written about the mythical Blue Sox managed by Jughead Slavin. There are nine books in the main series, one character for each of the nine positions. Each player has to overcome problems, all of a different nature. Fiske has to overcome his self-destructive tendencies to overreact instead of simply playing his game at the high level he can. The subplot of the problems that the first black man in major league baseball had is an interesting one. Decker takes what could have been the major plot line of the book and turns it into a secondary part of the story. He does it very well; Fiske remains the main character throughout the book. It is a story with a lot of action and an even bigger moral, There is always someone nearby whose problems are worse than yours. Help them rather than dwelling on what is wrong in your life.This review also appears on Amazon
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