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Book description
Born on March 28, 1895, in Salt Lake City, Spencer W. Kimball grew up in Thatcher, Arizona. After completing a mission and marrying Camilla Eyring, he settled in Safford, Arizona, to raise his family and run an insurance business. Years of Church and community leadership preceded his calling as an Apostle in 1943. Overcoming severe health problems, he became Church President on December 30, 1973, at the age of 78. He led the Church with spiritual power and energetic determination during a period of dramatic vitality and growth. His administration produced significant advances in doctrinal understanding, member unity, and gospel expansion worldwide. In the 12 years of his presidency, the number of operating temples doubled, the number of missionaries increased by 50 percent, and the priesthood was extended to all worthy male members. He died in Salt Lake City on November 5, 1985.
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