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Local Author. I was motivated by the chance to meet the author at the book store around the corner from my house--the store specializes in mystery and history which arent my usual suspects but I like to support the local small stuff when I it makes sense. It was enjoyable, though pretty light. Airplane book for sure. I pretty much figured out the entire mystery but I am not sure if that is because of the writing or because I always figure out where the plot is going before it gets there. The curse of reading far too many books. What I absolutely loved about the book: Intelligent, successful woman character not drawn at all sentimental--no distracting pointless love story! Not too much explaining away of the mystery---she knew when it was obvious what was going on and just let it happen. The setting is refreshing and fun=Whitehouse Kitchen! I think food as a substantial part of any book will always get me. (because I am a food whore) I look forward to trying the recipes in the back---blue cheese sticks sound amazing! All in all, fun time.
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