FREE Golden Dawn Audios: v. 3 by Israel Regardie no registration read macbook full sale

FREE Golden Dawn Audios: v. 3 by Israel Regardie no registration read macbook full sale

FREE Golden Dawn Audios: v. 3 by Israel Regardie no registration read macbook full sale

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Book description
CD #1: The Practice of the Presence of God, and The Holy Guardian Angel. In CD Number 1, work with Dr. Regardie as he leads you through the opening steps of achieving direct communion with your Holy Guardian Angel. Regardie helps you explore this critical stage of magical development in a sincere and sane manner that works. CD #2: The Rose Cross Ritual with Instructions and the Rose Cross ritual without Instructions. In CD Number 2, Regardie takes you through the Rose Cross Ritual, another of the Golden Dawn rituals that he developed with such expertise and love. Open yourself to the Forces of Light as you participate in the very act of creation.
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