FREE Friends of Liberty by Beatrice Gormley (Goodreads Author) audio page amazon online spanish

FREE Friends of Liberty by Beatrice Gormley (Goodreads Author) audio page amazon online spanish

FREE Friends of Liberty by Beatrice Gormley (Goodreads Author) audio page amazon online spanish

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Book description
Its 1773, and Boston is in political turmoil. As tension rises between England and the colonies, lines are being drawn between the Loyalists and the Patriots. And Sally Gifford, a shoemakers daughter, finds herself on the opposite side from her best friend Kitty Lawton, the daughter of a wealthy merchant.Sally is torn between her cherished friendship and her loyalties to her own family and community in their fight for freedom. As the conflict continues to grow more charged in the weeks leading up to the Boston Tea Party, Sally finds within herself a bravery she didnt know she had, and ultimately takes a stand for what she comes to find is most important.
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