FREE Fables, Vol. 19: Snow White by Bill Willingham (Goodreads Author) (Writer) mobi ibooks iphone

FREE Fables, Vol. 19: Snow White by Bill Willingham (Goodreads Author) (Writer) mobi ibooks iphone

FREE Fables, Vol. 19: Snow White by Bill Willingham (Goodreads Author) (Writer) mobi ibooks iphone

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Book description
With Castle Dark now back in the hands of the Fables, mysteries both young and old begin to challenge the residents of Fabletown.  Bigby and Stinky set off from Fabletown in Rose Reds blood-fueled sports car to track down the two abducted cubs.  Unfortunately for Snow White, besides suffering the trauma of having two of her cubs go missing, a long forgotten secret uncovered in Castle Dark threatens to sabotage her and Bigbys marriage.This volume also collects the backup adventures of Bufkin and Lily from issues 114-121, as well as their full length adventures found in issue 124.Collecting: Fables 124-129 & material 114-123
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