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Book description
For Fauziya Kassindja, an idyllic childhood in Togo, West Africa, sheltered from the tribal practices of polygamy and genital mutilation, ended with her beloved fathers sudden death.В В Forced into an arranged marriage at age seventeen, Fauziya was told to prepare for kakia, the ritual also known as female genital mutilation.В В It is a ritual no woman can refuse.В В But Fauziya dared to try.В В This is her story--told in her own words--of fleeing Africa just hours before the ritual kakia was to take place, of seeking asylum in America only to be locked up in U.S.В В prisons, and of meeting Layli Miller Bashir, a law student who became Fauziyas friend and advocate during her horrifying sixteen months behind bars.В В Layli enlisted help from Karen Musalo, an expert in refugee law and acting director of the American University International Human Rights Clinic.В В In addition to devoting her own considerable efforts to the case, Musalo assembled a team to fight with her on Fauziyas behalf.В В Ultimately, in a landmark decision in immigration history, Fauziya Kassindja was granted asylum on June 13, 1996.В В Do They Hear You When You Cry is her unforgettable chronicle of triumph.
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