FREE Discourse and Creativity by Rodney H. Jones (Editor) get without registering value download find

FREE Discourse and Creativity by Rodney H. Jones (Editor) get without registering value download find

FREE Discourse and Creativity by Rodney H. Jones (Editor) get without registering value download find

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Book description
Discourse and Creativity examines the way different approaches to discourse analysis conceptualize the notion of creativity and address it analytically. It includes examples of studies of creativity from a variety of traditions and examines the following key areas, how people interpret and use discourse, the processes and practices of discourse production, discourse in modes other than written and spoken language, and the relationship between discourse and the technologies used to produce it.Discourse and Creativity combines a forward-thinking and interdisciplinary approach to the topic of creativity; this collection will be of great value to students and scholars in applied linguistics, stylistics, and communication studies.
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