FREE Defection Games by Haggai Carmon download book pdf

FREE Defection Games by Haggai Carmon download book pdf

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Book description
There a war being fought, but its just below the surface and away from the medias gaze. Its the civilized world against the theocratic pariah state of Iran - a race to stop their development of a nuclear weapon. But for this clandestine war to be fought in the shadows, intelligence services must first gather information on Irans capabilities. These operations are intricate and conniving beyond the stretch of the imagination. The intelligence operatives know that changing loyalties, betrayal and treason are not the exception, they are the rule. In the cesspool of the covert intelligence war, there are no long-term loyalties, only immediate interests. Enemy, friend - these shift daily. Thats where Dan Gordon, an Israeli lawyer and former Mossad agent now contracted by the CIA, comes in. He is an indefatigable lone wolf, never safe from hostile moves even by those he should trust. He is undeterred, and hurdles he successfully overcomes are only preludes to new ones. Thats why Dan must sleep with one eye open....
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