FREE Cutting Out by Mickie B. Ashling (Goodreads Author) download book pdf

FREE Cutting Out by Mickie B. Ashling (Goodreads Author) download book pdf

FREE Cutting Out by Mickie B. Ashling (Goodreads Author) download book pdf

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Book description
2.5 stars. While this book was well written and entertainingly soap opera-ish (which I knew going into it) I didnt enjoy it as much as I could have. Here are my issues with it, in no particular order: 1. It was unrealistic- extremely unrealistic, especially the abduction plot point. 2. Sloane seemed to have issues with some aspects of Japanese culture (even though hes with a half Asian guy, go figure) and, because it was written in first person, it came across as xenophobia to me.3. Trent is an even bigger asshole in this book. MAJOR SPOILER: (view spoiler)[After an almost rape, calling Sloane a cunt, laughing at Sloane for daring to have issues with some of the supremely rude things he was saying, assuming Sloane would go along with his every decision because hes a good little submissive amongst other things... Well, lets just say I was EXTRA surprised to see them still be friends at the end. (hide spoiler)]
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