FREE Christianity and Classical Culture: A Study of Thought and Action from Augustus to Augustine by Charles Norris Cochrane free eng format epub review

FREE Christianity and Classical Culture: A Study of Thought and Action from Augustus to Augustine by Charles Norris Cochrane free eng format epub review

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Now available from Liberty Fund Christianity and Classical Culture is considered one of the great works of scholarship published in the last century.The theme of Christianity and Classical Culture is the fundamental change in thought and action that occurred from the reign of Augustus to the time of Augustine. The classical world sought to practice politics and understand the world in purely rational terms, but the difficulties of this program were already evident as Christianity began developing a completely new understanding of the human world. It is from this revolution in ideas that our modern world was forged.W. H. Auden wrote of an earlier edition in The New Republic: “Since the appearance of the first edition in 1940, I have read this book many times, and my conviction of its importance to the understanding not only of the epoch with which it is concerned, but also of our own, has increased with each rereading.”Charles Norris Cochrane (1889–1945) was educated at the University of Toronto and Oxford (Corpus Christi College). He taught at the University of Toronto, then served overseas for Canada in World War I before going back to Oxford for his M.A. in 1919. Returning to Toronto, he became Assistant Professor of Greek and Roman History, then Dean of Residence, and finally full professor and the head of the department of Greek and Roman History.
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