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Book description
Overall, a very concise, focused, but still enjoyable introduction to the basics of Christianity.There are a couple of things I took issue with. One was the description of our relationship with God as intimate and like a father-son relationship. This is a common misunderstanding (our relationship with God is less father-son, more king-servant), which comes about by taking the New Testament out of its first century AD Mediterranean context and putting it in a modern context. See this website for more detail.A thinking non-Christian reading this would no doubt question why what the Bible says (and specifically Marks Gospel) is taken as factually accurate i.e. what makes the New Testament historically reliable? This question is unfortunately left unanswered. (For anybody curious, the reliability of the NT documents is discussed in incredible depth here.)These issues may perhaps have been avoided in order to keep the focus of the book primarily on the core message of Christianity, which although understandable will leave some readers unsatisfied.For somebody wanting a short, easy, no-frills read on the core subject of What is Christianity?, this book is highly recommended. For anybody looking to more seriously examine the Christian faith, this book would serve as a very good starting point, although, by itself, be unlikely to prove sufficient.
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