FREE China: Alive in the Bitter Sea by Fox Butterfield book pdf how to prewiew android

FREE China: Alive in the Bitter Sea by Fox Butterfield book pdf how to prewiew android

FREE China: Alive in the Bitter Sea by Fox Butterfield book pdf how to prewiew android

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Book description
This was written by a New York Times journalist, who was one of the first Western reporters to enter China when it started to open up in the late 70s and early 80s. Some of the book is now outdated. However, Butterfield offers many personal stories from Chinese who lived through the revolution, the great leap forward and the cultural revolution. He does a brilliant job of capturing the suffering endured by so many, and their magnificent resilience. Very good read from an outstanding journalist. I think it would be of interest to anyone interested in Chinas history during the late 20th century.
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