FREE Cabernet by Charles O'Rear price free francais android story

FREE Cabernet by Charles O'Rear price free francais android story

FREE Cabernet by Charles O'Rear price free francais android story

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Book description

Book description
Cabernet is a vibrant and gorgeous photographic essay of one of the most prized of red wines, the fascinating story of a wine is told, from the vine to the glass. Fruity, earthy, yet elegant, these stunning photographs reveal the art of winemaking -- to the rich soil where they are grown, to the acres of neat rows where the vines are planted, to the feet that stomp the deep purple grapes. Along the way, the striking landscapes and unique people that create Cabernets are portrayed, from the dramatically sloping hills of the Napa Valley to the grand chateaus of Bordeaux. Cabernet not only captures the poetry and history of the wine, but also explains the fascinating specifics of the winemaking process.
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