FREE Buddhas Table: Thai Feasting Vegetarian Style by Chat Mingkwan txt online look spanish ios

FREE Buddhas Table: Thai Feasting Vegetarian Style by Chat Mingkwan txt online look spanish ios

FREE Buddhas Table: Thai Feasting Vegetarian Style by Chat Mingkwan txt online look spanish ios

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Book description
I bought this book from the author, after a cooking demonstration, at the annual Seattle VegFest. This book inspires my trips to the international district to find ingredient, but after my gathering is done, the preparation is quick, easy, and impresses guests with the authenticity of flavors. I love Thai food, and cooking at home saves me money and has taught me more about the food and culture than I could have learned just from dining out. These recipes, as the title suggests are vegan versions of classics (though much traditional thai cooking has always been vegan). The use of peanuts, cashews, and coconut give many of the recipes a rich creamy texture that doesnt miss the dairy at all. Lemongrass, lime leaves, and galangal are my new favorite ingredients!
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