FREE Break from the Pack: How to Compete in a Copycat Economy by Oren Harari read eng italian price online

FREE Break from the Pack: How to Compete in a Copycat Economy by Oren Harari read eng italian price online

FREE Break from the Pack: How to Compete in a Copycat Economy by Oren Harari read eng italian price online

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Book description
Break From the Pack offers a broad array of valuable and exciting insights on how to succeed in todays competitive environment. Unlike so many books that are long on generalities and short on specifics, Hararis book offers tangible examples of how to and how not to succeed in key strategic issues. I recommend this book to any business leader. - Garry Betty, President and CEO, Earthlink. Oren Harari has done it again! He has produced a fascinating book that inverts the rules and that will keep you up at night remaking your management strategy and tactics. - Karen Ignagni, CEO, Americas Health Insurance Plans (AHIP). Break From the Pack is a refreshing look at the fundamentals of business success, written in clear, concise language with real content and practical advice. - Gordon Bethune, retired former Chairman and CEO, Continental Airlines, Inc. In Break From the Pack, Oren Harari has once again confronted us with challenging new realities. With clarity and humor, he has made the complex and counterintuitive feel like good old common sense. The book is both entertaining and practical. today. - Ray McCaskey, President and CEO, HCSC (BlueCross Blue Shield of Illinois, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas). With a style that makes business metrics almost fun, Oren Harari examines pitfalls that have felled seemingly indestructible companies and identifies how underdogs become visionary leaders. - Michael Milken, Chairman, Milken Institute. Executives will benefit from Hararis fresh view of market dynamics, the imperative for differentiation, and the call for executive attention to both the above ground and the underground of every organization. His calls for zero defects as the price of admission and for a passion for purpose and a passion for precision fit the health care executives agenda perfectly. If you are one who checks out a management book by reading the final chapter first, I guarantee youll jump back to page one of Break From the Pack and enjoy the full read! - Richard J. Umbdenstock, President-Elect, American Hospital Association. Dr. Hararis analysis of the leadership challenges in todays global marketplace is compelling and powerful (and funky). performance and competitive advantage. Business leaders in any country will find his advice clear, meaningful, challenging, and attainable. - Kjell Nordstrom, Ph.D., Stockholm School of Economics and co-author of global best-sellers Funky Business and Karaoke Capitalism. Everywhere products are being commoditized, services are being imitated, and traditional barriers to market entry are collapsing. To sustain a competitive advantage in todays copycat economy, you must break from the pack. This book will show you how. Harari starts by touring Commodity Hell, and identifying ten common mistakes that keep companies trapped in the pack. He then introduces six strategies for propelling your organization where competitors cant follow. Youll learn how to dominate markets (and when to leave them); how to create a higher cause that will mobilize all your stakeholders; and how to build a pipeline of cool, compelling products, in any industry. Harari reveals new ways to take your customers far beyond mere satisfaction, and shows how to innovate in even the most prosaic areas of your business. matters: talent, technology, foresight, speed, and imagination. Youll also come away with a practical 12-step recovery program for transforming your personal leadership behavior, so you can lead the charge - and leave your competitors in the dust. Madonna, Willie Nelson, and you - discover the power of calculated reinvention and capitalizing on fleeting, edgy trends. Curious, cool, and crazy. Why you need a culture of disciplined lunacy - and how to build it? Choose your markets carefully - and dominate them. Avoid the destructive fantasy of being all things to all people. Find your organizations higher cause. Win by doing something that will leave an important mark on the world. Take your customers to an impossible place. How to build customers fanatical loyalty by showing them services and experiences they didnt think were possible? Take innovation underground. How innovating on supposedly dull areas like costs, operational efficiencies, and supply chains gives you a huge competitive edge? Build a defiant product pipeline. Create waves of cool products, not just one. leading the revolution.
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