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FREE Books of Adam: The Blunder Years by Adam Ellis how read without registering shop txt free

FREE Books of Adam: The Blunder Years by Adam Ellis how read without registering shop txt free

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Book description
Adam Ellis knew it was time to leave art school when a fellow student presented her final project to the class: I put a condom on the Virgin Mary, she announced, unveiling a cheap figurine sheathed in latex. The professor loved it.Baffled by the praise his classmate receives, and intent on becoming an artist on his own terms, Adam plots his escape to Portland, Oregon to begin his life in the real world--only to realize that adulthood is a lot harder than it looks. Based on the blog of the same name, BOOKS OF ADAM details Adams hilarious trials and tribulations in his attempt to become a functioning member of society. From his arrest after shoplifting a bottle of chocolate milk to a misguided attempt to make friends that lands him in a shack with a hippie couple who have just skinned a rabbit and are trying to entice him into a three-some, Adam is an amicable guy who cant seem to keep himself out of trouble. Paired with his signature black and white illustrations, Adams stories weave together an uproariously funny and ultimately charming narrative about a young man trying to find his place in the world.
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