FREE Book of Storyteller Secrets by Deirdre Brooks finder kickass flibusta pc free

FREE Book of Storyteller Secrets by Deirdre Brooks finder kickass flibusta pc free

FREE Book of Storyteller Secrets by Deirdre Brooks finder kickass flibusta pc free

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Book description
Fear the Darkness!Changelings have many enemies but few are as feared as the Dauntain, those who have turned their backs on the Dreaming. The introductory story included in this package allows the Storyteller to place characters in direct confrontation with their most deadly enemies.The Book of Storyteller Secrets features:* Complete crossover rules for running games with other Storyteller games.* The chilling story Quixote Syndrome. (Test your players nerve!* Storyteller screen containing all the most useful charts for running Changeling: The Dreaming.Book + Screen
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