FREE Bisexuality: A Reader and Sourcebook by Thomas Geller (Editor) online doc portable kindle wiki

FREE Bisexuality: A Reader and Sourcebook by Thomas Geller (Editor) online doc portable kindle wiki

FREE Bisexuality: A Reader and Sourcebook by Thomas Geller (Editor) online doc portable kindle wiki

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Book description
I read this for a college class and had hoped to use it as a source, but it was written in 1990, and so the culture it seeks to explain around bisexuality is quite outdated. It tells of gay/lesbian culture and how it reacted to bisexuals in the late 80s. If youre looking for a book that tells about bisexuality culture in the 80s this is the book for you, but if youre trying to research current beliefs this is not the book for you. Its also not a very good academic source. The first 50 pages are all opinion/interviews with bisexuals, then 50 pages of academic journals, then 50 pages of bisexual support groups/networks that the author may admit could be no longer in existence when he publishes the book, and 30 pages of further reading/movie viewing.
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