FREE Best Forgotten by Kathryn White (Goodreads Author) format download audio phone information

FREE Best Forgotten by Kathryn White (Goodreads Author) format download audio phone information

FREE Best Forgotten by Kathryn White (Goodreads Author) format download audio phone information

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Book description

Book description
An intriguing tale of murder, amnesia and the lies we tell ourselves. A young woman wakes in hospital, unable to recall the past eighteen months. Once an awkward, introverted teenager battling Anorexia Nervosa, Kellie-Sue discovers that she has blossomed into a beautiful woman with a loving husband. But what secrets are lurking beneath the surface? Why is Kellie-Sue haunted with memories of the bruised and bloody of her abusive ex-boyfriend lying on the kitchen floor? Is Kellie-Sue capable of murder? Or is the truth best forgotten ...
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