FREE Best Bisexual Erotica - Volume 2 by Carol Queen purchase cheap free writer library

FREE Best Bisexual Erotica - Volume 2 by Carol Queen purchase cheap free writer library

FREE Best Bisexual Erotica - Volume 2 by Carol Queen purchase cheap free writer library

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Book description
These erotic tales of bisexuality really run the gamut -- from Samurai-era Japan to an 18th century French nunnery; from a shape-shifting college dude to a lap-dance stripper to a man cross-living as a woman on the Canadian prairie in the early 1900s. Plenty of three-way affairs and encounters, a moderate dose of bondage and S/M, and three great stories incorporating sex in the restroom Despite all of this delightful romping, the tone of the book is more serious overall and somewhat darker than in the first volume, with well-developed plots featuring characters dealing (and in some cases, Not dealing) with complex issues. Stories tackle the intricacies of polyfidelity, coming out, and forging a positive bisexual identity. There is a Lot for readers to sink their teeth into, and the range of contributions demonstrates a maturing of the bisexual erotic voice.
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