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Tigers are attacking tech company employees in Burnside with Tigers - and framing former college students! Barbara gets involved in tracking the tigers despite her overwhelming personal life with wedding planning for her friends, school, and trying to keep her budding sidekick on the sidelines/I like the inclusion of Luke Fox (aka Batwing) and his new company in the book. Finally makes this feel a LITTLE more like its still part of the Bat-family. Ive also enjoyed the irony of Barbara attempting to sideline her friend Frankie to protect her. Frankie wants to be involved just like Barbara did when she was in the wheelchair. Hopefully Barbara will see that soon.The main story runs like a typical CBS procedural. Nothing really outstanding, but not terrible either. Its paced and laid out very much like the first half hour of a TV series, about beat for beat. Again, not really a bad thing, but it makes it fairly predictable.Also, the artwork is still just a little cutsie for me.
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