FREE Animal Lust by Lacy Danes (Goodreads Author) mobi download free

FREE Animal Lust by Lacy Danes (Goodreads Author) mobi download free

FREE Animal Lust by Lacy Danes (Goodreads Author) mobi download free

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Book description
In Regency England, there is a world ruled by feral passion and forbidden desire--a world where every fantasy is realized as four brothers take their women to rapturous new heights of carnal bliss. . . The Ursus brothers are descended from a Viking clan whose ancestors doomed them to a life of all-consuming sensual urges. Haunted by their insatiable hunger, each brother knows that only one thing can tame their wild yearnings: claiming the heart and soul of the woman who is his destiny. . . Surrounded by an aura of danger and driven by his unshakeable instincts, each brother knows immediately when hes encountered the right woman, and they immediately instruct them in the art of giving and receiving pleasure. But once these women get their first sizzling taste of raw, abandoned ecstasy, they only want more and more. . . Praise for Lacy Danes and What She Craves. . . Surpassed my expectations. . .Danes has turned up the heat to make these stories truly blazing. --Just Erotic Romance Reviews A wickedly wonderful read. Danes keeps your eyes glued to the pages with her lush and lavish sensuality. --Sunny, author of Mona Lisa Blossoming Daness debut effort is definitely what readers crave! Steamy and well-written. . .readers will be looking for more from this talented new author. --Romantic Times Goes where angels fears to tread. Follow if you dare. --Pam Rosenthal Warning! This is a REALLY HOT book. (Sexually Explicit)
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