FREE Angel vs. MacLean by Cait London (Goodreads Author) purchase book windows store epub

FREE Angel vs. MacLean by Cait London (Goodreads Author) purchase book windows store epub

FREE Angel vs. MacLean by Cait London (Goodreads Author) purchase book windows store epub

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Book description
SHOWDOWNWhen J.D. MacLean had been a struggling widowed father with nothing to offer the woman he loved, he let Katherine Kelly go. Then her ultimate betrayal sparked his hungry climb to the top -- making him wealthy, powerful and able to give Katherine exactly what she deserved: his revenge. But his appetite for her had never been sated.Heartbreak had forced Katherine to lash out at J.D., and shed evened the score. Now the dangerously sexy man whom shed never gotten over was calling the shots. When the final showdown had them treading the fine line between love and hate, she knew desire would be their undoing....
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