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Which novel predicted the disaster a whole 14 years before Titanics maiden voyage? Who photographed Titanics nemesis - the iceberg? What were the last words and deeds of Titanics Captain? How did a bottle of whisky save one of the crew?Find the answers to these and many other intriguing aspects of the doomed ship in this absorbing collection of stories and trivia.Amazing and Extraordinary Facts: Titanic celebrates the 100th anniversary of the most famous maritime disaster of all time, with a unique collection of facts and stories that will make you think differently about the night to remember. Unusual facts about the iconic ship, her passengers and crew; strange tales of premonitions and jinxes; stirring accounts of heroism and cowardice; spectacular box-office triumphs and flops; the discovery of the wreck and some truly bizarre salvage attempts; all these and more are explored in this alternative guide to the ill-fated unsinkable liner.
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