FREE All-New Hawkeye #3 by Jeff Lemire (Writer) read apple audio direct link get

FREE All-New Hawkeye #3 by Jeff Lemire (Writer) read apple audio direct link get

FREE All-New Hawkeye #3 by Jeff Lemire (Writer) read apple audio direct link get

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Book description
Issue #2 left me all excited with its *dumdumdum* villain! *jazzhands* ending, but issue #3 is all: but, no, you must wait more. Sigh. Katie and Clint as Hawkeyes doing Hawkeye things together are fun and bantery and good-guy as expected. I like them both. They are likeable dudes. And Kate, as per usual, pulls off some awesome action sequences as they continue to make sure those poor kiddos are safe. Meanwhile, the flashback timeline continues along the bottom and somewhat in parallel to the now events. The issue is very fluffy, and I felt it didnt really go far. However, All New Hawkeye is my first time reading Hawkeye monthly, so I might just be accustomed to trade binge-induced plot fulfillment. Oh, and I continue to miss Aja art.
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