FREE Aleister Crowley Collection Vol. 4 - Writings from Vanity Fair (Illustrated) by Aleister Crowley epub online reading

FREE Aleister Crowley Collection Vol. 4 - Writings from Vanity Fair (Illustrated) by Aleister Crowley epub online reading

FREE Aleister Crowley Collection Vol. 4 - Writings from Vanity Fair (Illustrated) by Aleister Crowley epub online reading

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Book description
A CIGAR is like a wife! Put it to your lips, and light it; When you’ve learnt to do it right, it Adds a certain zest to life. Mind you keep on puffing it, Or it’s out, and can’t be lit. Ah, the aroma! Ah, the glow! Will you have one? Thank you, No. - Aleister Crowley, Vanity Fair January, 1916 Fans of Aleister Crowley are in for a treat with Volume 4 of the Aleister Crowley Collection. Included in this volume are the series of articles Crowley penned for Vanity Fair during the Great War. Subject matter ranges from ‘On The Management of Blondes’ to Japanese verse, Polo and various other arcane matters. All delivered with the same non-PC, inimitable devil-may-care wit one expects from ‘The Wickedest Man Alive.’ All 17 Vanity Fair pieces are included here: Bernard Shaw on Self-Effacement Aleister Crowley: Mystic and Mountain Climber Eight Vampire Women The Hokku – A New Verse Form A Hindu at the Polo Grounds Colloque Sentimental With Muted Strings The Prize Winners of the Hokku Contest Six Little Poems In Prose The Nonsense About Vers Libre Three Great Hoaxes of the War Anna of Havana To A Brunette Ratan Devi: Indian Singer On The Management of Blondes The Origin of the Game of Pirate Bridge What’s Wrong with the Movies? *Fully illustrated. *Special low-price. Another great selection. Worth it for The Nonsense About Vers Libre alone. A lot of value here.
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