FREE Ace the SAT Writing Even If You Hate to Write by Tamra Orr book ios full version full pdf

FREE Ace the SAT Writing Even If You Hate to Write by Tamra Orr book ios full version full pdf

FREE Ace the SAT Writing Even If You Hate to Write by Tamra Orr book ios full version full pdf

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Book description
From the seemingly hopeless to the almost perfect, high school students learn how to master the timed essay in this guide to the SATs writing portion. Based on the premise that timed writing is a skill that anyone can learn, this handbook breaks down the essay-writing process into an easily mastered regimen that includes brainstorming, writing an outline, and time-management strategies. Thirty mediocre sample essays are analyzed, improved, and scored to help students recognize what graders look for and understand how to improve their own writing. In a detailed question-and-answer section, top tutors and former SAT graders share their thoughts on what they like to see in an essay and give advice on creating the strongest piece. A basic overview of grammar and vocabulary and handy writing shortcuts are included.
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