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Book description
What do you do when everything you had planned out for yourself gets changed in one summer? Do you embrace the new or fight to keep things the same? For seventeen year old Kinzleigh everything was going just as she always planned. She had great friends, went to a school she loved, and always knew she was destined for greatness. One step already completed towards acquiring the job she has forever dreamed of, a pro football cheerleader. Nothing and no one was going to stand in her way, especially not love. What she doesnt expect is for her parents to suddenly change everything and send her spiraling into a life she didnt want for herself, especially after meeting one blue eyed boy she cant stop dreaming about. Her life is changing at every turn. She is learning that sometimes life has different plans than our own. When she finally accepts the hand fate has dealt, everything is ripped from her once again. Can she accept the ugly fate that was chosen for her or will she fight to once again accept it.**Note from the author: reader discretion is advised. Content is for mature readers 18+ due to some language and some sensuality or intimate scenes**
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