FREE A Taste of Darkness by Nina Bangs (Goodreads Author) reading look spanish via book

FREE A Taste of Darkness by Nina Bangs (Goodreads Author) reading look spanish via book

FREE A Taste of Darkness by Nina Bangs (Goodreads Author) reading look spanish via book

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Hed lived a thousand years for this? Its enough to make a vampire want to rush outside to soak up some rays, order garlic mashed potatoes, or fall on a wooden stake. The council, in its infinite stupidity, has made Reinn Mackenzie the Guardian of the Blood for his vampire clan. Talk about crappy jobs. Hes supposed to run around lopping off the head of any Mackenzie dumb enough to mate with someone not on the councils approved list. Gotta keep the Mackenzie blood pure. Giant whoop. Hes nothing but a glorified Weedwacker for the clan. So hes stuck at the Woo Woo Inn, skulking undercover while he looks for the right moment to off the clueless Mackenzie about to marry a sneaky, manipulating werecat. Reinn doesnt get it. Whod be stupid enough to die for a deceitful, whisker-twitching shifter? Kisa Evans has a boatload of problems. Shes a virgin, someone is stalking her with the intent to keep her in cat form forever, shes a virgin, the deadly Guardian of the Blood is out to murder her sisters fiancé, and shes a virgin. Werecat law says that she cant mate with any male weaker than herself. Hello? Shes not your usual lap kitty. There IS no male stronger than Kisa. But minds were meant to be changed. When Reinn meets Kisa, he realizes that his sexy werecat is worth dying for. Kisa finally finds a male stronger than she is and admits that the enemy has become her love. Too bad that love cant erase the dangers surrounding them. A happily ever after doesnt seem likely for Reinn and Kisa, but not to worry. Strange things are the norm at the Woo Woo Inn.
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