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FREE A Pound of Flesh by Shawn Chesser (Goodreads Author) online format kickass phone german

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Book description
Edited by Monique Happy Editorial Services104,000 words. Approximately 415 pagesA Pound of Flesh, Book 4 in the Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse series, picks up the day after “In Harm’s Way: Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse” left off.Outbreak - Day1 Like a fragile house of cards in a hurricane, Presidents, Premiers, entire governments and their ruling bodies disappeared instantly. Some had ensconced themselves in deep underground bunkers or remained holed up in fortified strongholds, but history would tell that most had been swallowed up by the dead - never to be heard from again.WARNING - SPOILERS AHEADOutbreak - Day 9Reeling from a surprise attack, and with two fires burning out of control, Schriever AFB goes on high alert. Former CDC Scientist Sylvester Fuentes, the apparent target, is killed along with his assistant Jessica Hanson, Brook’s brother Carl and a handful of others. Destroyed in the conflagration was the Omega antiserum Fuentes had been working to perfect, and just hours prior had tested successfully on one of the newly infected.Meanwhile, returning prematurely from a mission to set off two nukes in the path of an advancing horde of living dead numbering several hundred thousand strong, and with his Delta Force commander Mike Desantos infected and dying from the Omega virus, Cade Grayson was forced to do something no friend should have to.Then, shortly after taking Desantos’s life, and while still cradling the hard charging operator’s corpse, the low rumble of the two nuclear detonations signaling the mission’s likely success rolled over Schriever. Immediately, Delta Force Captain Cade Grayson begins to formulate a plan that will send him hurtling on a collision course with the parties responsible for the terrorist attack.Six hundred miles away in Eden, Utah, Duncan Winters, Vietnam-era aviator, hopes to recuperate and ride out the apocalypse in his survivalist/ Doomsday prepper brother Logan’s compound.In Jackson Hole, Wyoming, the New American capitol and fiefdom of Robert Christian, well-connected billionaire and self-appointed President, Daymon Bush, former BLM firefighter, bides his time with one burning desire: to find his girlfriend Heidi even if it ultimately kills him.Will Cade successfully lobby President Clay and embark on a new mission in order to extract a pound of flesh for Carl and Mike Desantos?Will Brook Grayson and her eleven-year-old daughter Raven continue to temper themselves against the new dangers inside and outside the wire at Schriever?Will Daymon accomplish his goal and survive Jackson Hole?Can the much older Duncan find a way to fit in with his younger brother Logan’s prepper friends?Will newly promoted General Ronnie Gaines fit in with the late Commander’s fractured Delta team?Can the human race find a way to survive the legions of migrating zombies?
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